Monday, July 27, 2020

Thinking future

Time warp. Long seconds of disorientation this morning during which I lost track of whether it was morning or evening.
Four months of Lockdown will do that.

News blues…

On the day I emailed the US Consulate in KZN for directions on how to vote absentee, I discovered Michele Obama has launched a national voter registration effort.
Obama said, “We’ve only got 100 days left [before the election on November 3] and we’ve got to direct every ounce of energy we have into making sure everyone understands the importance of their voice and their vote.”
This election “could not be more important for the future of our country….” 
If you’re American living in America and not yet registered, register to vote now.

Healthy futures anyone?

Introducing a new segment on this blog: Healthy futures anyone reviews areas of the world where and people are creating sustainable lives and/or living sustainably.
Yes, many are out-of-the-way places, off the beaten track. But that doesn’t nullify their success.
First up, Nakhchivan, on the Transcaucasian plateau between Armenia, Iran and Turkey.
Nakhchivan has adopted a strict no-pesticide, all-organic food policy. This health-conscious land-to-table ethos ensures that the Balbas breed of sheep you’re eating come from Nakhchivani farms; the fish from Nakhchivani lakes; the wild dill, aniseed terragon and sweet basil from Nakhchivani foothills; the produce from Nakhchivani orchards and even the salt from underground Nakhchivani caves. 
Learn more about Nakhchivan.

Then there’s South Georgia. A far-flung British territory in the South Atlantic Ocean between Argentina and Antarctica offering glaciated peaks, billowing tundra grasses, and millions of happy penguins.

The Lincoln Project
An interview with co-founder Ric Wilson on the huge walk away from GOP that Trump may not survive (10:00 mins)
Trump has been in office for exactly 1,282 days. During that time, he has:
• Ignored a pandemic while 140,000 Americans died from COVID-19. Then he said "we've done a great job"
• Fawned over Putin as Russia paid the Taliban cash for killing American soldiers in Afghanistan
• Utilized a mercenary secret police to go into U.S. cities and attack peaceful protestors
• Lied over 20,000 times — over 15 a day — and has played golf at least 280 times
• Begged at least three different countries to cheat in our elections
• Cozied up to ruthless dictators — saying Kim Jong Un is a friend — while isolating our friends
• Watched helplessly as our economy has gone into a depression that has left 40 million Americans out of work.
Ready to sign up for four more years – 1,460 days – of Donald J Trump and his ilk?
If not, register to vote now. .. and vote on November 3.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

Covid-19 has traction among South Africans. KwaZulu Natal has 14.4 percent of the total – 64,061 cases – and creeping up on the Eastern Cape with 73,585 infections.
The good news in this household? I might have stumbled upon a plan for my mother’s ongoing safety, health, and welfare that will conclude with me returning to California, my family, and my houseboat - albeit only in several more months.
To celebrate the forward momentum, I’ve begun efforts toward prepping for the sale of this house.
Having a plan helps orient.
I’m prepared for the plan not to work out, but at least there is a plan….

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