Tuesday, November 2, 2021


News blues…

In April 2020, two studies on Covid-19 came out identifying obesity as a significant risk factor for serious illness and death. Doctors were scrambling to understand why coronavirus gave some people mild symptoms and left others so sick they were gasping for air.
[Many countries are ramping up action] as officials begin to recognize diet-related diseases such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes have made their citizens much more vulnerable during the pandemic. Some states in Mexico recently went as far as banning junk food sales to children— on top of the country’s existing taxes on sugary drinks and fast food. Chile was already deep in its own crackdown on unhealthy products, having imposed the first mandatory, national warning labels for foods with high levels of salt, sugar and fat along with a ban on marketing such foods to kids.
[In the US] there has been no such wake-up call about the link between diet-related diseases and the pandemic. There is no national strategy. There is no systemswide approach, even as researchers increasingly recognize that obesity is a disease that is driven not by lack of willpower, but a modern society and food system that’s almost perfectly designed to encourage the overeating of empty calories, along with more stress, less sleep and less daily exercise, setting millions on a path to poor health outcomes that is extremely difficult to break from.
Read “Diet-related diseases pose a major risk for Covid-19. But the U.S. overlooks them” >> 
COVID-19 still rages, but some US states reject federal funds to help. As the resurgent COVID-19 pandemic burns through the rural U.S. state of Idaho, health officials say they don't have enough tests to track the disease or sufficient medical workers to help the sick. 
The Lincoln Project: Anti-American  (1:10 mins)

Healthy planet, anyone?

Will COP cop to climate-related challenges? Or will it be just more blah, blah, blah?  …
There Is No Reason To Trust Brazil’s Climate, Deforestation Pledges 
The U.S. has held on-again, off-again talks with [Brazil’s] Bolsonaro government over climate and deforestation since the beginning of the Biden administration, which sees its attempts to bring Brazil back to the table on environmental concerns as a centerpiece of its efforts to reestablish the United States’ own leadership role in global climate efforts.
But Brazil’s “new” pledges are far less ambitious than they seem at first glance, experts say.
The emissions goal is “just a correction” to a previous policy that far-right President Jair Bolsonaro’s government outlined in December, said Marcio Astrini, the executive secretary of São Paulo-based Climate Observatory.
The 2020 target would’ve allowed Brazil to emit 400 million additional tons of carbon than it would have under pledges the country made in 2015. The new pledge merely puts Brazil back on the same path it had already plotted six years ago, when then-President Dilma Rousseff signed the country onto the Paris Climate agreement.
“They just aligned the numbers to have the same emissions pledges for 2030 that the country already had in 2015,” Astrini said. The Bolsonaro government, he added, is “running to the past while the world is no longer the same, the climate emergency has [worsened] and countries are being called to look to the future.”

There is little, if any, reason to trust that the Bolsonaro administration is serious about curbing greenhouse gas emissions or stopping the razing of the Amazon, the world’s largest rainforest. Much like former President Donald Trump, Bolsonaro has turned his nation into a global pariah on climate issues. He didn’t even show up for COP26 in Glasgow.
Read the article  >>

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

As mentioned in an earlier post - Alaska has high rates of vocal anti-vaxers… and high rates of Covid-19 infections - among the highest rates in the US.
A family member who lives in Anchorage – fully vaccinated with three doses and masked when in public – reports Sunday night’s neighborhood Halloween party was hosted by a man infected with Covid-19. He was inside the house while party goers cavorted outside… and the party was well attended.

Friday, October 29, 2021


News blues…

COVID-19 has killed nearly 5 million people — that we know of and have recorded - and the pandemic is far from over.
As the world confronts another tragic milestone, experts say the death toll and collateral damage will rise unless vaccines are delivered swiftly.  (Includes an aerial view of a COVID-19 victims' burial ground at Rorotan Public Cemetery in Cilincing, North Jakarta, Indonesia on July 21, 2021. Sobering.)
Within the next few days, COVID-19 will have killed more than five million people worldwide. It is yet another grim milestone in a seemingly endless stream of them. In many countries, including the United States, COVID-19 is now a leading cause of death, alongside heart disease and stroke. And yet experts say the pandemic’s true toll is likely much higher.
“It’s quite possible that the number of deaths is double what we see,” says Amber D’Souza, professor of epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “But five million is such a staggering number on its own. No country has been able to escape it.”
Critical election coming up on Tuesday next week. The Lincoln Project offers a perspective:
What’s on the ballot (0:25 mins)
Critical race card  (0:55 mins)
And, at COP 26, a dinosaur tells UN 'don't choose extinction' as part of new climate campaign  (2:31 mins)
Get the Don't Choose Extinction toolkit.
Stephen Colbert’s humorous view of Dr Horsey promoting Ivermectin. © The Late Show.

Healthy planet, anyone?

Jenny, a half-mile long trash-trapping system, hauled in more than 63,000 pounds of waste from the so-called Great Pacific Garbage Patch.  And Jenny wasn’t even fully operational….
Always a treat to watch US House Rep. Katie Porter, Democrat of southern California, address congress. Yesterday, she did her usual exceptional job, this time schooling fossil fuel executives – and the rest of us, too. Read the article and do watch the vid >>

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

With almost 5 million recorded deaths from Covid-19, titling this post “Reincarnate”- “to undergo rebirth in another body” or “reborn in another body”- may seems tasteless when applied to my lowly laptop.
Yesterday’s post, RIP, referred to my suspicion that my laptop – only two years old – was kaput. That was before I met Vladimir, the kaput laptop reviver. Vladimir removed 44 viruses, replaced the bum hard-drive (itself replaced while I was in South Africa last year), installed affordable anti-virus software (Wetroot, $25/year as opposed to McAfee, $160/year) and sent me on my way, laptop happily breathing a sigh of relief at its reprieve. Reincarnated, indeed. Thank you, Vladimir!
I dropped into my friendly grocery store’s pharmacy today to explore the possibility of getting my Covid booster earlier than the six month wait period. This, because I expect to return to South Africa before the six month window. (While SA is no longer on the UK’s countries red listed for travel to the UK, the CDC still cautions travelers.)
My thinking? I’d be just two or three weeks under the completion date. Surely, surely, I could wangle a jab. Yes, of course, I’d do my pre-flight Covid test, but I’d like to have the booster before I leave, too. So far, pharmacists’ responses are unequivocal: “No… you must wait until you are fully over the 6-month period. Not even a day earlier than the due date.”
The pharmacist was happy to jab me with Fluzone so I am vaxed against at least a subset of this year’s flu viruses.
Even as I know many the world over who want the jab are still trying for their first dose, I hanker for a third... 
Crazy times!

Thursday, October 28, 2021


Worldwide (Map
October 28, 2021 – 245,213,000 confirmed infections; 4,976,400 deaths
November 5, 2020 – 48,136,225 confirmed infections; 1,225,915 deaths
Worldwide vaccinations: 6,903,622,700. That’s almost 7 billion. (World population: 7.753 billion.) Keep it up, vax-positive humans! 

US (Map
October 28, 2021 – 45,711,200 confirmed infections; 741,400 deaths
November 5, 2020 – 9,487,470 confirmed infections; 237,730 deaths

SA (Coronavirus portal
October 28, 2021 – 2,920,600 confirmed infections; 89,049 deaths
November 5, 2020 – 730,500 confirmed infections; 19,585 deaths deaths
The Lincoln Project:
Last week in the Republican Party  (0:30 mins)
Ungrateful  (0:30 min)
A view of America, from a rock star and a former president, in 9:26 minutes. A great interview with two extraordinary guys: “Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen talk 'Renegades'
Obama’s question: how do we regain a sense of a common American story? Both men agree: “It’s a generational process….”
Are you in?

Healthy planet, anyone?

Everyone clued-in enough to understand the urgency of the climate crisis probably knows that the ocean has become a dumping zone for plastic and that single-use plastic bottles and bags are choking the planet
Here is a list of a dozen of America’s top “dirtiest” climate villains
There are many more, in America and around the world. For example, “The world’s largest investment banks have provided more than $700bn of financing for the fossil fuel companies most aggressively expanding in new coal, oil and gas projects since the Paris climate change agreement."  Also, BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard, 3 of the world’s largest money management companies
Question: Who are the climate villains in your country? Do you know?
To successfully emerge from Covid into a fairer, greener future we need to recognise nature as an essential piece of the puzzle: “Net zero is not enough – we need to build a nature-positive future” >> 
The Guardian’s Greenlight segment promotes The Climate Pledge , Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’s contribution “of his personal $10 billion” to the Bezos Earth Fund - equivalent to more than 7 percent of his net worth.” (Ironically, Bezos recently spent $5.5 billion to be in space for 4 minutes...but who's quibbling? Better to spend something on cleaning up some of what you’re responsible for.)
On the other hand, his former wife, MacKenzie Scott, contributed $5.7 billion in unrestricted donations “to hundreds” of groups. The seven- and eight-figure gifts were the largest many [charities] had ever received." She’s donated $8 billion since 2020. 
Hmm, just showing up ol’ Jeff? Who cares? Compete away, Bezos... and keep it coming, 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

RIP laptop? My laptop is riddled with … something… that makes it most frustrating to use. Today, it goes into “the shop” for an overhaul for what's described as “a couple of days…”
We shall see. Post resume asap….

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


News blues

With further travel in my imminent future, digging through current travel requirements and restrictions is a fulltime job.
The CDC’s website “operationalizes the President’s “safer, more stringent international travel system”.  The US White house’s website offers an outdated executive order, “A Proclamation on the Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Non-Immigrants of Certain Additional Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting Coronavirus Disease” 
New details emerge on travel to the US, including from South Africa:
Beginning Nov. 8, foreign, non-immigrant adults traveling to the United States will need to be fully vaccinated, with only limited exceptions, and all travelers will need to be tested for the virus before boarding a plane to the U.S. There will be tightened restrictions for American and foreign citizens who are not fully vaccinated.
The new policy comes as the Biden administration moves away from restrictions that ban non-essential travel from several dozen countries — most of Europe, China, Brazil, South Africa, India and Iran — and instead focuses on classifying individuals by the risk they pose to others.
It also reflects the White House’s embrace of vaccination requirements as a tool to push more Americans to get the shots by making it inconvenient to remain unvaccinated.
Accordingly, given my vaccination status, I’d be cleared to travel to South Africa – well, pending negative results of my pre-travel Covid test. But I worry about clearance to return to the US in the spring. My current life is a balancing act: property and family responsibilities here in California and property and estate/family responsibilities there, in South Africa.
Responding to those responsibilities in South Africa seems like a no-brainer… except for Covid. Covid, the Great Unknown.

The Lincoln Project: What’s on the ballot (0:30 mins)

Healthy planet, anyone?

Water. A non-renewable resource.
Did you know that there's as much water today, as there was thousands of years ago? Actually, it's the same water. The same water supply has been circulating throughout the world for ages. In fact, the water from your faucet could contain molecules that dinosaurs drank!
How is that possible? Through the amazing Water Cycle as nature's way of constantly meeting water demand with water supply.
We depend on fresh water from two main sources - surface water and ground water. Surface water is the water found on the earth's surface such as oceans, lakes, streams, rivers, ponds and reservoirs. Of all the earth's surface water, 97 percent is too salty to drink because it's located in oceans and seas. Another 2 percent is locked in ice caps and glaciers. Only about 1 percent of the earth's water is fresh water to be used for agricultural, commercial, manufacturing, community and personal household needs.
Read more >> 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

Living in the conurbation of San Francisco Bay – population 7.75 million – means many choices of lifestyle. My choices include living modestly albeit close to water… near a marine preserve with miles of shoreline I explore regularly on foot.
Today’s exploration included the western portion of Ballena Isle, looking toward San Francisco. These photos (taken on my cell phone) don’t do justice to the Bay, nor do they give a realistic view of just how many cargo ships populate the Bay, awaiting service – unloading or loading - at the Port of Oakland… due to the ongoing supply chain backup.
I’ve walked this area multiple times over the years. Today was my first visit since returning from South Africa in early June.
San Francisco Bay - city on horizon - with cargo ships lining up...
More cargo ships awaiting service at the Port of Oakland.

An altar of small treasures.

The marina  on this side of Ballena Isle, home to some 200 boats of different sizes and shapes, looks about the same.
The big change was to the garden used by the marina’s life-aboards. What was once patchy and somewhat unkempt has morphed into a lovely, artistically groomed Eden, clean, swept, and full of small treasures.

I met Peet walking Dave, her very friendly pit bull who, by way of greeting, slobbered over my trousered knees. During our friendly conversation, Peet explained she – and her husband and Dave – lived aboard their trawler. Surprise! I’d believed live aboard lifestyles were a thing of the past in San Francisco Bay. I learned that it was still possible – theoretically, right now, in my hometown, to live aboard one’s boat. Peet advised I approach the Harbor Master to “get your name on the two year’s long waiting list but get on it anyway…”. The waiting list wasn’t a surprise. Moreover, two years on a list for a slip is no hardship right now when I no longer have a boat.
At the Harbor Master’s office I got caught n the Catch 22: One can only get on the wait list if one already has a boat in that marina – that, presumably, one does not live aboard. But why would I have a boat in the marina if I wasn’t living aboard?

Turned out, also, Peet is a self-employed muralist. She volunteered to paint a mural painted on the wall of a storage container at the marina garden.
Note the brown pelicans, once endangered, but making a comeback in this area...  

Peet's mural, highlighting the comeback of California's Brown Pelicans.
Spectacular, aren't they? Note how Peet incorporated the actual tree (top left) into the mural.


Monday, October 25, 2021

The day after...

News blues

Still mulling Ivermectin? Before embarking on any self-help regime, get the basic facts. For example, the difference between what’s bacteria and what’s virus is not inconsequential. Bacteria and viruses can live outside of the human body (for instance, on a countertop) sometimes for many hours or days. Parasites and bacteria, however, require a living host in order to survive, and both can usually be destroyed with antibiotics. Antibiotics cannot kill viruses. Coronavirus is, yes, a virus.
Ivermectin kills parasites/bacteria. Moreover, “scientific” reports on Ivermectin show that not all science is worth following. 
 How do you know what to believe? Keep an open mind, conduct research with discrimination, and practice discernment. These days, be skeptical.
Remember, no one ever promised you a rose garden  … (3:09 mins)
MeidasTouch: Trump in hiding  (0:30 mins)

Healthy planet, anyone?

Inevitably, tens of millions of filthy, used medical gloves imported into the US: Trash bags stuffed full of used medical gloves, some visibly soiled, some even blood-stained, litter the floor of a warehouse on the outskirts of Bangkok.
But don’t only blame Bangkok. We in America do an excellent job of pretending discarded PPE miraculously disappear. We burn it . Or pretend we don’t know it’s there  . Or “recycle” it  ...
What so you so with your discarded PPE? What you do matters, too. 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

Apres le deluge… Call it a bomb cyclone, an atmospheric river, or a drenching storm, local news reports on areas hard hit (1:16 mins) More local news tells of heavy rain that resulted in serious flooding and debris flows across drought-stricken and wildfire-ravaged California and even breaking some all-time 24-hour precipitation records >> 
In my neighborhood, old oak and sycamore trees lining walkways near my apartment block my direct view of the park and beach. I donned my colorful polka dot gumboots and took to the pathways for a firsthand look.
Waterflow barometer: the pond is full to the rim

This short dam wall was completely exposed this time last week.
mo'tating mallards

This concrete "jetty" sat, dry, in sand and leaf debris just days ago

Polka dot gum boots indicated depth of water in a temporary pond 

Amazingly small amount of debris blown out of sycamores

Ditto: not much damage to elderly trees

Leaf debris sculpted by water

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Atmospheric river

News blues

Boosting boosters…
I dropped by the friendly pharmacy at the local grocery store that delivers Covid jabs for an update. According to my reckoning, I’m due for a booster by December and wanted to confirm that’s the soonest I can get the jab.
Perhaps it’s a sign of the times – supply chains, inefficiency, etc., – but this major grocery store had posted someone at the entrance to prevent shoppers from entering. “The computer system has gone down. We don’t expect it up for at least another hour. Come back then.”
Being anti-shopping in general and particularly anti-shopping on weekends, I’ll try again on Monday. Meantime, I continue to read and try to make sense of the plethora of conflicting and/or worrisome information about the pandemic. And, how to know when the pandemic becomes endemic 
Seeking resources and information on Covid vaccines? Explore the CDC website  >>

Healthy planet, anyone?

Weather forecasters and emergency workers warn of impending atmospheric river – a deluge of rain. Rain in BA forecast Bay Area Bracing for Atmospheric River This Weekend 
This forecast sent me out in the glorious fall weather both to gauge the impact of rain we had over the last couple of days and to record now what’s likely to change in the next day. 
Gutters struggling to absorb what's fallen so far.

This neighborhood pond looked parched just a week ago.
Accepting storm water, it's looking healthier this week.
Next week? If rain falls as forecast, it'll be flush.

Ducks and coots appreciate the additional fresh water.

Storm clouds (facing east)

Storm clouds over San Francisco (facing west).
Let the rains begin...

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

October updates

Today’s Covid numbers compared with numbers exactly one year ago:
(Note: worldwide, we’re on the cusp of 5 million dead.) 
Worldwide (Map
October 21, 2021 – 241,837,800 confirmed infections; 4,917,467 deaths
October 22, 2020 – 41,150,000 confirmed infections; 1,130.410 deaths
Worldwide vaccinations: 6,690,061,700. That’s 6.6 billion. Amazing.

US (Map
October 21, 2021 – 45,161,400 confirmed infections; 729,500 deaths
October 22, 2020 – 8,333,595 confirmed infections; 222,100 deaths

SA (Coronavirus portal
October 21, 2021 – 2,917,300 confirmed infections; 88,674 deaths
October 22, 2020 – 708,360 confirmed infections; 18,750 deaths

News blues

SA recorded 591 new Covid-19 cases and 80 deaths in the past 24 hours, according to the latest National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD). 
… Of the new cases, only two provinces recorded more than 100 infections in the past day — KwaZulu-Natal with 129 and the Western Cape with 124. Gauteng was third most affected, with 71. Limpopo had the fewest new cases, with seven recorded. 
Vaccines for kids ages 5-11 prepare to roll out, according to the CDC’s plan advising states on how to carry it out. 
Where the rubber meets the road? Stopping the spread of COVID-19 is a great way to help U.S. military families, yet anti-vaxxers don’t see it that way: The Hypocrisy of the Anti-vax Patriot 
Seeking resources and information on Covid vaccines? Explore the CDC website >>
Whackidoodle-ism continues
The Lincoln Project: This week in the Republican Party  (2:00 mins)
One would think that, with close to 5 billion dead from a coronavirus on Planet Earth, contradictory humans would re-evaluate their points of view. Instead, too many continue to spew theories suitable only for Planet Whackidoodle:

Healthy planet, anyone?

California’s Dixie Fire is now 90% contained. The fire has burned a total of 963,195 acres, the largest single wildfire in California history.
See how California’s Dixie Fire  created its own weather … 
Fire whirls … 
And atmospheric instability… 
Fires and climate change …  and more on fires and climate change 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

Other than continuing to prep my apartment for short-term rental – and respond to interested parties about that – life has been non-eventful. Intermittent rain continues… Pacific Flyway birds continue to arrive in the park and on the bay.
Life is good enough.