Showing posts with label Covid boosters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Covid boosters. Show all posts

Friday, October 29, 2021


News blues…

COVID-19 has killed nearly 5 million people — that we know of and have recorded - and the pandemic is far from over.
As the world confronts another tragic milestone, experts say the death toll and collateral damage will rise unless vaccines are delivered swiftly.  (Includes an aerial view of a COVID-19 victims' burial ground at Rorotan Public Cemetery in Cilincing, North Jakarta, Indonesia on July 21, 2021. Sobering.)
Within the next few days, COVID-19 will have killed more than five million people worldwide. It is yet another grim milestone in a seemingly endless stream of them. In many countries, including the United States, COVID-19 is now a leading cause of death, alongside heart disease and stroke. And yet experts say the pandemic’s true toll is likely much higher.
“It’s quite possible that the number of deaths is double what we see,” says Amber D’Souza, professor of epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “But five million is such a staggering number on its own. No country has been able to escape it.”
Critical election coming up on Tuesday next week. The Lincoln Project offers a perspective:
What’s on the ballot (0:25 mins)
Critical race card  (0:55 mins)
And, at COP 26, a dinosaur tells UN 'don't choose extinction' as part of new climate campaign  (2:31 mins)
Get the Don't Choose Extinction toolkit.
Stephen Colbert’s humorous view of Dr Horsey promoting Ivermectin. © The Late Show.

Healthy planet, anyone?

Jenny, a half-mile long trash-trapping system, hauled in more than 63,000 pounds of waste from the so-called Great Pacific Garbage Patch.  And Jenny wasn’t even fully operational….
Always a treat to watch US House Rep. Katie Porter, Democrat of southern California, address congress. Yesterday, she did her usual exceptional job, this time schooling fossil fuel executives – and the rest of us, too. Read the article and do watch the vid >>

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

With almost 5 million recorded deaths from Covid-19, titling this post “Reincarnate”- “to undergo rebirth in another body” or “reborn in another body”- may seems tasteless when applied to my lowly laptop.
Yesterday’s post, RIP, referred to my suspicion that my laptop – only two years old – was kaput. That was before I met Vladimir, the kaput laptop reviver. Vladimir removed 44 viruses, replaced the bum hard-drive (itself replaced while I was in South Africa last year), installed affordable anti-virus software (Wetroot, $25/year as opposed to McAfee, $160/year) and sent me on my way, laptop happily breathing a sigh of relief at its reprieve. Reincarnated, indeed. Thank you, Vladimir!
I dropped into my friendly grocery store’s pharmacy today to explore the possibility of getting my Covid booster earlier than the six month wait period. This, because I expect to return to South Africa before the six month window. (While SA is no longer on the UK’s countries red listed for travel to the UK, the CDC still cautions travelers.)
My thinking? I’d be just two or three weeks under the completion date. Surely, surely, I could wangle a jab. Yes, of course, I’d do my pre-flight Covid test, but I’d like to have the booster before I leave, too. So far, pharmacists’ responses are unequivocal: “No… you must wait until you are fully over the 6-month period. Not even a day earlier than the due date.”
The pharmacist was happy to jab me with Fluzone so I am vaxed against at least a subset of this year’s flu viruses.
Even as I know many the world over who want the jab are still trying for their first dose, I hanker for a third... 
Crazy times!

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Atmospheric river

News blues

Boosting boosters…
I dropped by the friendly pharmacy at the local grocery store that delivers Covid jabs for an update. According to my reckoning, I’m due for a booster by December and wanted to confirm that’s the soonest I can get the jab.
Perhaps it’s a sign of the times – supply chains, inefficiency, etc., – but this major grocery store had posted someone at the entrance to prevent shoppers from entering. “The computer system has gone down. We don’t expect it up for at least another hour. Come back then.”
Being anti-shopping in general and particularly anti-shopping on weekends, I’ll try again on Monday. Meantime, I continue to read and try to make sense of the plethora of conflicting and/or worrisome information about the pandemic. And, how to know when the pandemic becomes endemic 
Seeking resources and information on Covid vaccines? Explore the CDC website  >>

Healthy planet, anyone?

Weather forecasters and emergency workers warn of impending atmospheric river – a deluge of rain. Rain in BA forecast Bay Area Bracing for Atmospheric River This Weekend 
This forecast sent me out in the glorious fall weather both to gauge the impact of rain we had over the last couple of days and to record now what’s likely to change in the next day. 
Gutters struggling to absorb what's fallen so far.

This neighborhood pond looked parched just a week ago.
Accepting storm water, it's looking healthier this week.
Next week? If rain falls as forecast, it'll be flush.

Ducks and coots appreciate the additional fresh water.

Storm clouds (facing east)

Storm clouds over San Francisco (facing west).
Let the rains begin...