Sunday, December 27, 2020

Countdown, 1

This strange and challenging year comes to a close with strange and challenging events…. Do We the People of the world have the will, the know-how, and the selflessness to steer a different direction for our mutual survival?
That is the question....

News blues…

South Africa surpasses milestone of 1 million cases of Covid infections. 
The world surpasses 80 million infections.
The US surpasses 19 million infections, almost double the infection numbers of India, the country with the next highest rate at 10 million.
…there have been nearly 19 million recorded COVID-19 cases in the U.S. and more than 331,000 deaths nationwide.
December marked the deadliest month in the United States since the coronavirus pandemic began, with more than 63,000 COVID-19 deaths recorded nationwide during the month so far. 
April held the previous monthly record for the highest number of COVID-19 deaths, with at least 55,000 reported. The U.S. saw a steep incline in coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the spring, followed by a sharp decrease over the summer. Those numbers began to increase again in the fall and have continued to surge into the winter.


© Meidas Touch
The Trump administration highlights the weakness of the American political bureaucracy. 
For now, the systems is holding (the dismissal of Trump’s claims of election fraud) but it is teetering. 
Trump has shown how to successfully manipulate a system whose “checks and balances” are designed to forestall such manipulations. 
With Joe Biden, the “go along to get along guy,” there is no reason to assume the next administration will do anything to check the flagrant abuses of Trump and his enablers.
The US system may be designed for checks and balances, but it depends solely on the combined and concerted will of Congress to ensure the system works. 
There’s no reason at all to expect the will of the current Congress to implement consequences and strengthen democracy.
On the positive side, at least humor remains. Thank you, Meidas Touch.

Healthy planet, anyone?

Hopeful directions:
The Air Company, based in New York, makes vodka from two ingredients: carbon dioxide and water. Each bottle that’s produced takes carbon dioxide out of the air. It has been chosen as one of the finalists in the $20m NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE, which aims to incentivise innovation in the field of carbon capture, utilisation and storage.
More news of hopeful directions >> 
On the other hand, “'It's as if we've learned nothing': alarm over Amazon road project.” 
Our planet is in desperate need of common sense, logic, and a change of direction. 
We’re running out of time….

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

It was too hot yesterday for outside activities. Turns out if was also too hot for inside activities. For several hours in the afternoon, Eskom failed to supply electricity. Eskom’s designed-to-inform app failed to inform, too.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Short and sweet Sunday

News blues…

Yes, SA's new coronavirus variant - 501Y.V2 – is rapidly displacing others; yes, data suggests it is highly transmissible; yes, according to experts it is “the dominant lineage of the second wave,”; yes, it likely transmits more easily; yes, younger people are more infected and [sicker] with it than any other variants. And, yes, hospitals are struggling and oxygen is in short supply. The latest SA news  …
What else do we need to know to convince us take all necessary precautions? Stay home. Wear a mask when away from home and keep your distance from others. It may not be enough, but think of it as not just you you’re protecting, it’s our entire community….
Meanwhile, even some conspiracy theorists, skeptics, and just plain nutty Americans are getting on the vaccine bandwagon.
Ever since the race to develop a coronavirus vaccine began last spring, upbeat announcements were stalked by ominous polls: No matter how encouraging the news, growing numbers of people said they would refuse to get the shot. The time frame was dangerously accelerated, many people warned. The vaccine was a scam from Big Pharma, others said. A political ploy by the Trump administration, many Democrats charged. The internet pulsed with apocalyptic predictions from longtime vaccine opponents, who decried the new shot as the epitome of every concern they’d ever put forth. But over the past few weeks, as the vaccine went from a hypothetical to a reality, something happened. Fresh surveys show attitudes shifting and a clear majority of Americans now eager to get vaccinated. 
In polls by Gallup, the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Pew Research Center, the portion of people saying they are now likely or certain to take the vaccine has grown from about 50% this summer to more than 60%, and in one poll 73% — a figure that approaches what some public health experts say would be sufficient for herd immunity. 
Perhaps the spell of Trump, Trump-fever, is breaking? At last.

Healthy planet, anyone?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

We’re moving from the rainy season to the swelter season. Today will be 34C/94F with 82 percent humidity. 
After decades in the San Francisco Bay Area, I sometimes wonder about my ability to handle weeks of KZN summer.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Holiday madness, 3

© National Geographic. 
Mother and daughter came up with a way to hug each other for the first time in two months. They hung a clothesline and pinned a drop cloth to it in the yard in Wantagh, New York. Then they embraced through the plastic.
“In spite of everything that we’re facing, we still look for ways to connect….”

News blues…

South Africa’s health minister criticises the travel bans, saying there is 'no evidence' new SA variant is more dangerous. 
Given the reluctance humans show, each day, for adhering to safety measures and preventing the rapid spread of Covid, I wonder why the health minister equivocates? A surging pandemic with a new, potentially more transmissible variant, is not the time to allow humans wiggle room, Minister Mkhize. Clamp down!
Are concerns regarding South Africa’s new coronavirus variant justified? 

Healthy planet, anyone?

Sensational! Volcanos for the holidays.
Hawaii: Kilauea Eruption Day Four - Rising Lava Lake Update (Dec. 24, 2020)  (3:50 mins)
Italy: Eruption of Mount Etna – in Italian, no subtitles but spectacular views. (Dec 23, 2020)  (2:30 mins)
Japan: Sakurajima Eruption Accompanied by Lightnings (Dec 22, 2020) (3:10 mins)
Lithium the new coal?
We human display an unerring knack for getting it wrong. Even as we prefer to pretend the opposite, we know the disaster our passion for coal and oil has foisted on our small planet. Yet, here we are, chasing another disastrous passion. This time, lithium:
Lithium is a key active material in the rechargeable batteries that run electric cars. It is found in rock and clay deposits as a solid mineral, as well as dissolved in brine. It is popular with battery manufacturers because, as the least dense metal, it stores a lot of energy for its weight.
Electrifying transport has become a top priority in the move to a lower-carbon future. In Europe, car travel accounts for around 12% of all the continent’s carbon emissions. To keep in line with the Paris agreement, emissions from cars and vans will need to drop by more than a third (37.5%) by 2030. The EU has set an ambitious goal of reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by the same date. To that end, Brussels and individual member states are pouring millions of euros into incentivising car owners to switch to electric. Some countries are going even further, proposing to ban sales of diesel and petrol vehicles in the near future (as early as 2025 in the case of Norway). If all goes to plan, European electric vehicle ownership could jump from around 2m today to 40m by 2030.
Read “The curse of ‘white oil’: electric vehicles dirty secret >> 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

My plan for re-introducing my reclusive mother to her fellow Care Center residents flopped. I’d purchased enough mince pies – a raisin, sultana fruit tartlet – for all of A Wing’s residents’ morning tea. I’d expected folks to gather, as usual, in the lounge. I planned to offer the treats and suggest folks drop in and visit my mother who is struggling to adjust to her new environment.
Alas, of the residents remaining in the Center (many left to spend the day with family) all took tea and mince pie in their rooms. No re-introduction was possible.
Perhaps just as well. My mother fell asleep before tea. She slept until after lunch. I took The Dog for a walk, waited, then departed. I returned to visit and conduct another dog walk later that afternoon.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Holiday madness, 2

Week 40
Day 274 Friday, December 25 - Holiday madness, 2


Humor to save our sanity…

Happy holidays! Enjoy the humor/humour:

Don Caron: SIGH IN THE NIGHT - A Parody of Silent Night (2:42 mins) 
This virus that’s known as Corona
Has spread from New York to Pomona
So to keep myself healthy
But not become wealthy
I’ll just stay in my house all alona
  • Which Christmas film was 30 years ahead of its time?
    Home Alone
  • Did you hear that production was down at Santa’s workshop?
    Many of his workers have had to elf isolate!
  • Why didn’t Mary and Joseph make it to Bethlehem?
    All Virgin flights were cancelled.
  • Why are Santa’s reindeer allowed to travel on Christmas Eve?
    They have herd immunity.
  • Why did the pirates have to go into lockdown?
    Because the “Arrrr!” rate had risen.
  • Why couldn’t Mary and Joseph join their work conference call?
    Because there was no Zoom at the inn.
  • What do the Trumps do for Christmas dinner?
    They put on a super spread. 
Meidas Touch: You're a Mean One, Mr. Mitch! (1:33 mins) 

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Holiday madness, 1

Worldwide (Map
December 24 – 78,674,530 confirmed infections; 1,730,000 deaths
November 26 – 60,334,000 confirmed infections; 1,420,500 deaths
October 29 – 44,402,000 confirmed infections; 1,173,270 deaths

US (Map)  
December 24 – 18,455,660 confirmed infections; 326,100 deaths
November 26 – 12,771,000 confirmed infections; 262,145 deaths
October 29 – 8,856,000 confirmed infections; 227,675 deaths

SA (Tracker
December 24 – 974,260 confirmed infections; 25,660 deaths
November 26 – 775,510 confirmed infections; 21,2010 deaths
October 29 – 719,715 confirmed infections; 19,111 deaths

News blues…

Highest ever single-day increase in Covid-19 cases, with more than 14,000 recorded in SA in 24 hours. With more than 400 deaths recorded in 24 hours for only the third time, health minister Dr Zweli Mkhize warns that current restrictions need to be reviewed. This is the highest single-day increase in cases. The previous highest total was 13,944 recorded on July 24.
As The Donald continues his “pardon-a-thon” and ill-uses the presidential pardon system to nullify his cronies wrong-doing, other whacka-doodleitude continues: 
Humor could save us:
Fauci on a Couchi  (1:33 mins)
The Kiffness If you go down to the beach today… (1:44 mins) (Not a perspective I fully endorse but I appreciate The Kiffness.)
’Twas the night before Christmas  (7:30 mins)

Healthy planet, anyone?

This segment of this blog is designed to 1) raise awareness about how pandemics will continue to be a feature of life as long as We the People – and our leaders-in-denial – refuse to recognize how out-of-control consumption risks our planet, ourselves, 2) offer positive examples of people and countries grappling with how to create and institute a healthier planet and people.
With lockdown going on for longer than anyone would have guessed, it becomes harder to offer readers positive examples. Today’s offering addresses bullet 1:
To prevent future pandemics, we must stop deforestation and end the illegal wildlife trade. Do you agree? Of course you do, because what’s not to like? The buck stops with the evil other. The question is, will doing those things solve the problem? And the answer is, probably not. They will help, but there’s another, potentially bigger problem closer to home: the global north’s use of natural resources, especially its reliance on livestock.
Read “Time for some home truths about deforestation” >> 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

My plan for Christmas lunch with my elderly neighbor almost came adrift yesterday. She’s not been out of her house for 10 months, due to health conditions making her high risk if she contracted Covid. I visit her every 7 to 10 days, enjoy a cup of tea and cookies, catch up on and share the latest neighborhood gossip, and refresh my Afrikaans language “skills”.
Our plan to enjoy lunch together hatched, unhatched, then repeatedly hatched, unhatched upon prevailing circumstances. (My mother’s moods, plans, and actions highly influential.) Our plan appeared definitely unhatched when my neighbor’s neighbor, with whom she visits every morning, was tested for Covid. Results were expected yesterday, but due to overwhelm at the testing lab, the holidays, etc., results were delayed. We agreed to scrap our planned get-together, but I’d cook the meal anyway and deliver her portion through her (sanitized) window.
This morning, however, we learned the results of the test: negative.
The plan’s back on!
I’ll pop the roast in the oven, leave Martha (domestic worker) to oversee it, drive three containers of dog food - giblets, pet mince, and rice – to the Care Center, visit my mother, and feed and walk the dog. After that, I’ll drive to my neighbor’s house, pick her up to bring to the upper security gate (that involves a lot of unlocking, tugging and pushing since the automatic opener is malfunctioning due to flooding), and, carefully, walk my neighbor to the verandah. (None of the latter would be necessary if she could negotiate the long staircase leading to the house. She can’t. Nor could my mother…which is why my mother isn’t here for Christmas lunch.
Word of warning: when you reach 80 years old, do not purchase a house with 20 stairs, a landing, then 5 more stairs. It might make your dogs “happy” to have a large garden but 25 stairs are guaranteed – despite your denial to the contrary - not to serve you, the human, well for long.) 
Meanwhile, for today, let the lunching begin!

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Covid conscious

If cats can socially distance,
why can’t humans?  

Credit: Coleen Joice Aquino

News blues…

Covid is stressing Western Cape residents and health care workers to their limits. There’s even talk of potentially bringing in the SADF - military - to ensure compliance with basic preventions such as wearing masks, hand sanitizing, and social distancing  (4:04 mins) What does it take to make the uncompliant Covid conscious?
A helpful coronavirus dashboard presents a series of virus-related topics, from health care to available resources 
Holidays in South Africa are accompanied by the growing tally of deaths on the roads. This year the tally is lower than last year but still outrageously high: 690…and counting. KZN has the highest rate of fatalities.   (5:25 mins) 

Healthy planet, anyone?

 Credit: Nicholas Georgiadis 
Ivory from a Portuguese trading ship that sank in 1533 preserved  genetic traces of elephant lineages  that have vanished from West Africa. The ivory from the shipwreck was identified as belonging to  forest elephants rather than  the species’ larger, more well-known savanna-dwelling cousins. 
In 2008, workers searching for diamonds off the coast of Namibia found a different kind of treasure: hundreds of gold coins mixed with timber and other debris. They had stumbled upon Bom Jesus, a Portuguese trading vessel lost during a voyage to India in 1533. Among the 40 tons of cargo recovered from the sunken ship were more than 100 elephant tusks. 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

Covid has confined my elderly neighbor to her house for 9 months. I visit her once every 8 to 10 days. Recently, I arranged for our domestic worker to work for once a week for this neighbor. Yesterday, after our domestic worker spent the morning working there, my neighbor notified me that her neighbor, a physically compromised diabetic, was tested for Covid. He expects results of the test later today.
To date, this neighborhood has been mercifully free of Covid infection. If this neighbor has contracted it, already tight restrictions will tighten and fear and suspicion will increase.
With the emergence of the even more highly infectious Covid variant, I’m more freaked out more than I expected.
I’ve been in South Africa since January 28, 2020. I expected to return to California on May 28, 2020. Then, I planned to return mid-March 2021. Now? Who knows when I’ll return? A notice issued yesterday from the US Embassy:
Location: The Republic of South Africa
Event: A new variant of the COVID-19 virus, known as 501.V2, is driving infection rates in areas of South Africa. This discovery is gaining increased international attention and currently as many as 15 countries have banned flights and travelers who have spent time in The Republic of South Africa in the last 10 days.
Actions to Take:
  • Travelers should consult with their airlines to inquire about potential flight cancellations and rerouting
  • Check destination and transit countries' rules and regulations regarding traveling from South Africa
  • Exercise increased hygiene measures and social distancing in South Africa, especially in areas where COVID case numbers are increasing.
  • Visit South Africa's COVID information and resource portal,, for additional information.
  • • Monitor local and international media for continuing developments.
I’ve been fretting about what my mother would agree to do on Christmas Day. My brother invited her to his house then changed his mind. The gathering planned by his large and exuberant family morphed from “just family” to “just extended family” to “what the hell, everyone is welcome!” Not a safe situation for anyone, never mind a fragile 87-year-old.
I hesitated to bring her to this house as I was stymied by how to, 1) carry her up the 20-plus steps to the dining area, and 2) shoehorn her - and The dog - out of the house to return her to the Care Center afterwards. Calling the cops or ambulance personnel to extract an old lady who refused to depart her own home for a Care Center she “hates” would not align with the spirit of the “festive season.”
Miraculously, we agreed I’d bring her a platter of mince pies – a British colonial “festive season” fruit pastry – and spend time with her at the Care Center.
Then, inspiration! I purchased enough mince pies for the whole of A Wing and, on Christmas Day, we’ll share mince pies and fruit cake with all her fellow A Wing inmates. I’ll also encourage people to approach my mother in friendship as she’s “too shy to reach out directly.”
Lordy, I hope this breaks her stubborn regime of self-imposed, reclusive isolation.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Fever Swamp

News blues…

As Donald Trump grapples with ways to defeat America and American voters, and invoke martial law rather than be “a loser,” Fever Swamp is an apt description of his state of mind. (6:55 mins)
Moreover, former sycophants are turning on him (and there’s no anger like that of former sycophants). Even right-wing, conspiracy-spreading news outlets such as Fox and Newsmax and turning on him.
The worse is yet to come? The number of people hospitalized across California with confirmed COVID-19 infections is more than double the state’s previous peak, reached in July, and a state model forecasts the total could hit 75,000 patients by mid-January.
Plans for rationing care are not in place yet, but they need to be established because “the worst is yet to come….” 
The Lincoln Project: The dream still lives  (0:55 mins)

Healthy planet, anyone?

The global food system is on course to drive rapid and widespread ecological damage with almost 90% of land animals likely to lose some of their habitat by 2050.
A study published in the journal Nature Sustainability shows that unless the food industry is rapidly transformed, changing what people eat and how it is produced, the world faces widespread biodiversity loss in the coming decades.
The study’s lead author, David Williams from Leeds University, said without fundamental changes, millions of square kilometres of natural habitats could be lost by 2050. “Ultimately, we need to change what we eat and how it is produced if we are going to save wildlife on a global scale.”  

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

Summer solstice. The day I slowly began moving belongings into my new small home. Also the day my mother upped the ante on her determination to escape the Care Center.
My giant dilemma: what to do with someone whose determination to “escape” revolves around a fantasy only tangentially related to reality. Terrified of her brush with making an effort to fit in, desperately afraid of rejection, and replete with years of being in charge, she finds herself not in charge. Deteriorating physical and cognitive disabilities make it unlikely she’ll ever be in charge again.
Nevertheless, she’s stubbornly determined to win an unwinnable game – and control the outcome, too.
I, on the other hand, find myself emotionally detached. Emotional distance is what I learned as my mother’s daughter; emotional distance is how I find myself responding. Dutiful daughter. ***
Monkey see, monkey do. Emboldened by their successful raid on my pantry with “paw paws” (papayas) earlier this week, monkeys now case the joint while I’m inside. With the remaining 3 dogs find it above their paygrade to chase monkeys, so monkeys circle the downstairs seeking entry. The potential quick gobble of paw paw in the pantry makes all risk worthwhile.
My response? Shut the French doors, close the burglar guards and shout, “Scoot monkeys!”
So far, scooting is the last thing on monkey minds!