Showing posts with label Black Lives Matter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Lives Matter. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


The past winter – my first in South Africa in decades – I recorded daily sunrise and sunset schedules.  
July 1, 2020 the sun rose at 6:53am and set at 5:11pm.
Today, September 22, 2020 the equinox, the sun rose at 5:45am and will set 5:54pm.
Fiat lux. (“Let light be made,” aka “let there be light”.) 
Perhaps We the People need more balance in how we pay attention to micro- and macro-cosms? An Equinox of Daily Living?

News blues…

Trump's Total Failure: Francis Ford Coppola On His Old Classmate  (4:40 mins)
It’s not an exaggeration to say the political struggle in the US is for the very soul of the nation. What kind of nation – therefore world – will emerge after the election? It really is up for grabs.
For decades, Americans took our version of democracy for granted. Many didn’t bother to vote or to struggle against the authoritarian direction Republicans slowly instituted. 
Let's pray it's not too late. After praying, let's get out there and work for a better outcome. 

Healthy futures, anyone?

First, the bad news: “I lived the climate crisis every day of my childhood. This November, I'll vote on it.
And the “we’ll get to it sooner or later” news: Botswana says it has solved mystery of mass elephant die-off.
 Now the good news, aka, “who-knew?” news: the sacred giants of the dung-beetle world  
The Lincoln Project:
It’s critical we defeat Trump and Trumpism in November. His enablers in the Senate are just as guilty for aiding and abetting this criminal administration as Trump himself.
Let’s ensure South Carolinians know: It’s America, or Trump.
Lindsey's lack of integrity once before, and now, thanks to you, his race is a dead heat as voters are now finally recognizing the extent of his cowardice.
To ensure Lindsey’s defeat, we have to expose his depravity — and we’re using his own words to do it:
“I want you to use my words against me...You can say 'Lindsey Graham said let’s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination.'"
Lindsey Graham can not, and will not, stand up for principle—or even his own word.
He has abandoned his duty and neglected South Carolinians, all while cowering to Trump and his cruel, antidemocratic agenda.
Once Trump entered the White House, Lindsey’s fidelity to his principles—and his oath—vanished.
Time and time again, Donald Trump has proven to be horrifically unfit and dangerous—and at every turn, Lindsey has done nothing but give Trump cover, accommodate his corruption, and evade any accountability.
Lindsey is petrified at the threat of a Trump tweet. Let’s remind him who he answers to.
Accountable  (0.25 mins)

Is Jamie  Harrison the guy who can vote Lindsey Graham out?  (5:35 mins) 

It’s up to you, South Carolinians. To quote Star Trek’s Captain Kirk, “Make it so.”

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

Back in July, I posted the beginnings of a saga involving my mother’s long term domestic worker’s son, a lay about, make-no-effort-to work drunk. Miffed at being dislodged from his comfy spot his mother had organized to bum off my elderly mother, I had him ousted, legally. Nevertheless, his mother – my mom’s domestic worker - continued surreptitiously to let him enter and exit the property each night. After security cameras showed this, I locked the upper gate and kept the only key. Thwarted and in a drunken rage, he threatened to kill, rape me, etc. (he’d served prison time for rape). I had him served with a restraining order. When his mother departed her job and this area last week, I expected he’d leave with her.
Alas, “best laid plans,” etc., etc. The saga continues: yesterday, I learned he’s still here, somewhere in the village.
Who knows? Not on my account, I hope.
His mother sends him money for food.
I informed our security service so they’re aware I’m still under threat of physical harm.

Oakland, California lies on San Francisco Bay, adjacent to Alameda, the delightful island city I lived in for the last 20 years. When I’m not in KwaZulu Natal, I work in Oakland, too.
Architecturally, Oakland is fascinating: art deco buildings interspersed with modern, postmodern, Chinese, and everything in between.
Recently, a friend wrote me about this city:
Did you know all of Downtown Oakland is completely shut down? From Jack London Square [the waterfront] all the way to about 21st Street almost all the shops are boarded up in covered up with Black Lives Matter murals. It's wild! You can't smash any more windows because there aren't any Windows left to smash. I look at it as a rebellion against corporate repression. They left standing a couple of the smaller shops, but obliterated all the banks, the CVS, the Walgreens, Target - virtually anything that looks look like a chain store - is gone. There would be no reason for anyone to go to downtown to shop for anything because there's nothing there. For whatever reason, what's left of Jack London Square is still intact. It's just all along Broadway that is decimated.“
I’ve an ongoing project photographing changes in rural and urban environments, both in my small part of KZN and in California, including Oakland. Before I departed California in January, I and a friend spent the afternoon walking Downtown Oakland and Chinatown while I photographed most recent changes. So much has changed there - driven by the tech industry (Uber, for example, headquarters in Oakland) - that we got lost in Chinatown.
These photos – none of which are mine – show the area over time. 
Now? Photos taken during Black Lives Matter protests:
Set 1.  

I see these photos and remember the times I’ve spent in Oakland, working, enjoying city life, sightseeing, and protesting - the invasion of Iraq, the ongoing war and trauma to American troops and Iraqi civilians, etc.
I miss it. 
I want to be there.