Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Plane spotting

News blues

Judging by my current experience, reports of airlines flying half empty appear not exaggerated. Apparently, under threat of losing their “spot” in the airport business hierarchy, airlines must maintain their flights and schedules with airports. Tough and expensive for airlines, but good for “the little guy” travelers. In my case it meant the extra cost of purchasing seats – the downside – but ending up with the entire row to myself. Score!
More below on this Intrepid Traveler.
The Lincoln Project:
Ted Talk with Maya May  (1:20 mins)

Healthy planet, anyone?

Airports and airplanes are mandatory mask areas: no mask, no travel.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

A plethora of paperwork accompanied my trip on public transportation – most practical means of travel - to San Francisco Overseas airport (SFO): proof of negative Covid test results, QR code for Federal Office of Public Health, proof of vaccinations card. It’s enough to drive a gal to drink; accordingly, once through security (yes, shoes must still be removed – thank you Richard Reid)
 I sampled the local version of a classic margarita. 
Overpriced at $16.00/ZAR 248. 
But good to ameliorate travel angst. 

I’d worried that the travel check-in agent might be mistaken about me enjoying the row of seats alone. Thankfully, the plane was less than half occupied with masked travelers so my seat selection, aisle 24C included 24 A and B, too. 

Sleeping for most of a trans-Atlantic flight is a new experience, one I like and hope to repeat soon.
Half empty airplanes turns out to mean half empty airports, too. 

Little known fact: at my pace of walking, it takes 625 steps to cross level 1 of Gate E, Zurich Airport. It being a slow Saturday afternoon and evening, most stores and kiosks shuttered, I walked, and walked, and walked….
Spotted a Camel Smoking Lounge. Smoking lounges are not something I’m aware of in the US. Then again, I’m not a smoker so it’s possible smoking lounges are common….

With a six-hour layover, I entertained myself spotting airplanes perhaps common in Europe, but never-before-sighted by me.

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