Tuesday, February 8, 2022


The Lincoln Project:
Legitimate Political Discourse 1 (1:50 mins)
Legitimate Political Discourse 2  (2:10 mins)

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

Second trip to the more urban bank did the trick and I'm now the owner of a reissued bank card. Yay!
I was nervous I’d face the same lack-of-customer-service service on my second try at a bank to obtain a functional debit card. Indeed, my stress level was high: if the second bank refused to reissue my cards, I’d have to use creative financing along the lines of … borrowing … money from friends. Horrors! Being a control freak, I’d figured out a way to do it: using the online banking features to transfer funds from my account to my friend’s account and my friend giving me cash. Workable once; twice? That could get burdensome.
Happy to report a conversation with a teller remarkably different from yesterday's conversation.    
Today's teller, I’m happy to report, hardly blinked at my lack of ID card. No need for me to use any expletives ("American English") to communicate my frustration as I'd done yesterday. 
Today's teller not only issued a debit card, she also issued the bank’s reward card – I’d accumulated significant rewards to apply to certain purchases (when and if I get around to desiring something I’d like to purchase.)
My mood and outlook changed so much for the better after this meeting that I understood how much the situation had affected me. On a choppy/static-y, frustrating call to family and friend in the US this morning I’d expressed feelings of extreme vulnerability in this country. The calls made clear, too, how much I depend on decent wireless connection.
On that topic, I’m happy to report that, yes, indeed, I’m back online. Paid up for this month’s connection and expressed the intention to pay for the next two months' service, too.
Life is way better with connections….
I can breathe again. 
Tomorrow, we return to our regularly scheduled reportage on year three of the Covid era.

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