Monday, October 26, 2020

"In lieu of flowers..."

Georgia May died last month. Her obituary (left) states, “In lieu of flowers, Georgia preferred that you do not vote for Trump”.  

News blues…

Covid-19: South Africa “Not a second wave, but a resurgence of the first wave…” 
Dr Aslam Dasoo  (5:20 mins)
President Cyril Ramaphosa will address the nation this week on the potential for imposing stricter lockdown restrictions unless there is a decline in coronavirus infections across the country. 
US Senate Republicans voted Monday night to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, tilting the balance of the court to a 6-3 conservative majority for years to come. 
The conservative legal movement has achieved its wildest dreams. Trump has now made three appointments to the Supreme Court, the most of any president since Ronald Reagan. The court now has a rock-solid 6-3 conservative majority. All six conservatives have been closely vetted by conservative legal movement leaders in an effort to prevent future ideological deviations. Most important, there are now enough conservatives on the court that even if one broke from orthodoxy, it wouldn’t matter.
Conservative activists are now free to press forward with the agenda they’ve pushed since the Reagan era: criminalize abortion, ban racial preference in school admissions and elsewhere, cripple the federal regulatory state, roll back voting rights, civil rights and campaign finance laws and grant greater and greater powers to corporations. Whether voters support it or not.
“A lot of what we’ve done over the last four years will be undone sooner or later by the next election,” McConnell taunted about Barrett’s confirmation on Sunday. “They won’t be able to do much about this for a long time to come.”  
Meidas Touch:
Listen up, America  (0:55 mins)
Traffic stop  (0:55 mins) <

Healthy futures, anyone?

Changes of behavior encouraged:
“Zombie batteries” are causing hundreds of fires a year at waste and recycling sites, industry experts have warned. They are urging people to ensure dead batteries are not thrown away in household rubbish or recycling. Batteries discarded with general waste are likely to be crushed or punctured during collection and processing … … Some types, particularly lithium-ion and nickel-metal hydride batteries, can ignite or explode when damaged and set fire to other materials. In some cases, this leads to incidents requiring dozens of firefighters and the evacuation of residents, potentially putting lives at risk….
Lithium-ion batteries are typically found in laptops, tablets, mobile phones, Bluetooth devices, shavers, electric toothbrushes, power tools and e-cigarettes. They are increasingly prevalent in devices … meaning the problem is likely to get worse unless people change their behaviour. 
Among the many reasons for humans to change our behavior … these critters and this land and water… 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

Back at the ranch, “…the beat goes on….” 
Rain ... happy plants… happy pond… happy tadpoles and happier kingfishers…

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