Saturday, October 3, 2020

Cognitive dissonance

Not to trivialize The Donald’s travails with Covid-19 – I hope he recovers – but… 
There are now 11 – and counting – Americans, from Trump White House advisers, counselors, and family members, congress people, religious leaders, and a former governor (Chris Christie), linked to one Covid-19 super-spreader event held at the White House . All due to one White House inhabitant – Trump – turning what is a protective device – a mask – into a political and cultural weapon.

News blues…

With Donald Trump fighting off the Covid-19 infection, one might want to ease up on, over-ride, conveniently forget how poorly the man and his crew have managed the pandemic. 
Yes, it is appropriate to feel sympathy, compassion, empathy … but do not forget the damage he and his crew have wrought in the US and around the world.
Donald Trump is a manifestly incompetent leader. He’s also a liar who displays willful ignorance with a worldview that boils down to “I’ll do and say anything to win.”
Need a reminder of how he rolls? Watch “Fact-Checking the First 2020 Presidential Debate”  to remind yourself of what’s at stake in less than one month. (6:50 mins) 
And then go out and VOTE!
Cognitive dissonance defined
Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This produces a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance. For example, when people smoke (behavior) and they know that smoking causes cancer (cognition), they are in a state of cognitive dissonance.
A more apt example: when people believe a sociopath who directs: “believe me, not your lying eyes….”
This video indicates the lengths people go to maintain a fallacy and avoid cognitive dissonance: Home Depot Face Mask Dispute Turns Violent.  (3:30 mins)
Donald Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis has stunned MAGA world, but it hasn’t changed how it reacts to bad news: blame others, accuse the left of craven behavior and cling tighter to the president
RVAT: Trump Cut Off Aid for CA Wildfire Victims (0:56 mins)
Really American: 2 Faced Lidsey  (0:55 mins)

Healthy planet, anyone?

In parts of urban San Francisco Bay Area, goats are herded onto public parks to eat the grass. Thailand, however, expands this concept in a mind-blowingly imaginative way. “10,000 ducks ‘cleaning’ rice paddies.”  (2:14 mins)

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

It is still raining here. And very foggy. I’m frustrated as I’m falling behind schedule on marketing this house. As a former project manager, with the career-borne mantra “on budget and on time”, rain is, well, not something with which one can argue. If only!
Yesterday afternoon, I visited my mother, walked The Dog, and returned home to continue clearing the house. I found a buyer for some goods and, I hope, this may lead to selling items and earning higher rates than an auction house will provide.
Then, alas, late afternoon, my mother called. “I’ve got to get out of here. I’m going barmy. I want to move back to the house, get renters to rent out the upper part of the house….”
I called a staff member at the Care Center who said she had no idea my mother felt that way. Well, yeah, that’s my mother. On the surface, she’s sweet, easy going, conforming. Behind the scenes? Not so much. But she won’t say a word to anyone about her real feelings (does she recognize know them?) nor try to find a workable, practical in situ solution to her concerns.
Instead, she jumps from discomfort to world-churning solutions without pause, and presents full-formed – in her head – actions that others must undertake – immediately!
Accordingly, I’m supposed to hop to, pull the levers to get her out of a situation that may not be ideal – who wants to live in a care center filled with elderly and frail people – and bring her “home" to a half emptied house. 
Her plan? Become landlord to “nice” problem-free strangers who, she insists, will rent the upper portion of the house, pay on time  (almost unheard of in South Africa), not have lives that conflict with hers - or her dogs - respect her 6am - 6pm alarm lockdown schedule, never make noise, never argue loudly, in short, never act like human beings. Indeed, bliss will be restored. Heaven on earth will prevail.

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