Showing posts with label NRA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NRA. Show all posts

Monday, May 30, 2022

Too subtle?

News blues

It’s getting increasingly difficult to find Covid news. The news that is published tends towards repetition, along the lines of numbers of infections up but no reliable data available: “The real COVID surge is (much) bigger than it looks. But don't panic” >>

Occasionally a lone voice, such as the UN’s environment chief warns that nature is sending “us” a message about the connection between the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing climate crisis:
…humanity was placing too many pressures on the natural world with damaging consequences and warned that failing to take care of the planet meant not taking care of ourselves.
… the Covid-19 outbreak was a “clear warning shot”, given that far more deadly diseases existed in wildlife, and that today’s civilisation was “playing with fire”. They said it was almost always human behaviour that caused diseases to spill over into humans.
To prevent further outbreaks, the experts said, both global heating and the destruction of the natural world for farming, mining and housing have to end, as both drive wildlife into contact with people.

On war – and “the culture war”

Progressive pranksters Jason Selvig sarcastically thanks NRA president Wayne LaPierre for consistent offering of “thoughts and prayers” to victims and families – and all Americans. Selvig suggests even more thoughts and prayers will stop future massacres that Republican politicians refuse to legislate again. Look and listen >>  (2:18 mins) Perhaps too subtle?

Ukraine – photos from the war zone >> 
The Lincoln Project: Trump's Texas Speech in 90 Seconds  (1:30 mins)

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

I’ve lived in this island town for more than 20 years and never seen the beach as crowded as it was yesterday. (True, I don’t gather stats on crowd size, so it is possible that, behind my back, larger crowds have gathered….) Yesterday, a dozen parasailers readied equipment on the beach while dozens more sailed in the bay. Kite flyers were out in force, too, taking advantage of the breeze, as families and friends BBQ’ed and socialized along the beach and in the park.
Lovely to see people shucking off the scary experiences of the past 3 years and opting for social enjoyment.
Heading towards midsummer’s day in the SF Bay Area:
Sunrise: 5:49am
Sunset: 8:24pm

Heading towards midwinter in KZN, South Africa:
Sunrise: 6:45am
Sunset: 5:08pm

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Keep the bribes comin’

News blues

For the third year, Americans are greeting the unofficial start of summer shadowed by the specter of the coronavirus amid rising covid-19 cases and hospitalizations across the country.
The United States is recording more than 100,000 infections a day — at least five times higher than this point last year — as it confronts the most transmissible versions of the virus yet.
Read more >> 

COVID-19 is not behind us. The virus has not been eradicated and we're seeing an uptick of cases across the United States. In addition, we recently reached a grim new milestone of over 1 million American deaths that have been related to the virus. With more people getting infected daily, a doctor who has been treating COVID patients throughout the pandemic shares the latest on COVID and places to avoid in an effort to help prevent catching the virus >> 
The Lincoln Project:
How do Republicans respond to a national tragedy? Run away  (0:20 mins)
Last week in the Republican Party - May 24, 2022 (2:14 mins)

Healthy planet, anyone?

Chestnut tiger butterflies take to the skies at Himeshima Island, Japan.
Photograph: Asahi Shimbun/Getty Images
 Butterflies. A reminder that life exists outside of the burden of grief… and the reality that, when it comes to guns in America, “nothing much will change”).
This planet – even its people - is worth working to change. Major problem?
These days, people do not know how to work together without trying to impose – insist upon - their point of view being “The Truth”. Too many points of view, too much self-promoting insistence and not enough selfless collaboration.

Other countries show gun restrictions can be enacted.
The reality is, 1) in the US, too many guns coupled with corrupt political ideology surrounding guns, and 2) corrupt politicians cannot stay in power unless they keep the bribes pouring into their re-election coffers.
For example,
Gun lobby money to members of US Congress
And, below, the US Senators taking the most money from the gun lobby National Rifle Association. In this case, all these senators are Republicans. Democrats take NRA money, too, they're just not as good at it as Republican senators. 

How much is handed to these senators?
Mitt Romney: $13.6 million
Richard Burr $6.8 million
Roy Blunt: $ 4.5 million
Thom Tillis: $4.4 million
Cory Gardner: $3.3 million

From these politicians’ point of view, as long as its “the little guys” being shot – literally, in the case of school children – why bother coming up with workable solutions to these ongoing massacres?
Massacres of the innocents means money coming in.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

Perfect weather and four days free of the responsibilities inherent in the formal workplace. Bliss.
My ongoing obsession – driven by a need to avoid physical pain – is ensuring a daily dose of weight-bearing exercise.
At work, I use the stairs rather than the elevator/lift. (Going down 8 floors is easy; going up? Not so much. But I try.)
At home, I walk at least 2 miles each day. 
Yesterday’s revelation: walk, as usual, the mile to the grocery store, but instead of walking back home carrying two bags heavy with groceries, ride the bus.
Except for the half-hour wait for the bus, this plan worked well.
A new idea dawns: since I barely drive my vehicle, why own it? With gas/petrol at a record high – up to $6.50/gallon in my town – why bother owning a vehicle I hardly ever drive? 
After a lifetime of owning a vehicle, could I give it up? 
Hmmm. It’s worth thinking over.
The murder of crows continues squawking in the oak trees and park outside my home. 
The squirrels scurry along thee perfectly formed squirrel highway of branches.
Except for children shooting children in school classrooms and no political will to find workable solutions to stop it, all is “well-enough” in the park outside my home.
I’ll try to be satisfied with this, for now.