Friday, October 14, 2022


Stephen Colbert’s Meet the Flynnstones (0:55 mins)
The Lincoln Project:
What They believe  (0:59 mins)
J. D. Vance’s fake non-profit  (0:35 mins)
Storm  (0:57 mins)

Healthy planet, anyone?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

Yesterday, after showering, Meso Mary displayed the clump of hair that had come away in her hand while she shampooed.
Most of her hair remains on her head, but the clump in her hand was a sobering foreshadowing of what may await.
Indeed, Mary, ever proactive, intends to visit a stylist for a shorter, more manageable hair style that will allow her to focus on bouncing back from chemo rather than how she looks to herself and others.
Thom Hartmann’s Opinion piece, “Why does the GOP work so hard to let psychopaths in suits get away with murder?” addresses the reality of deaths – including that of Hartmann's father from mesothelioma - due to rampant toxic contamination in the United States.
For many years, I’ve engaged with the reality that “business” – big and little – is geared toward profit and, too often, endangers its workers with nothing to little demanded of the companies. Moreover, this is getting worse. (That is, worse from the point of view of the Little Guy; better from the point of view of big biz and big profit margins.) With Republican Party determination to neutralize (at best) democracy in the US, We the People can expect far more of the same.
A quote from Hartman’s piece:
In America today if you poison and kill your wife to make $150,000 in life insurance money, you’ll probably end up in prison.
But if you poison and kill hundreds of thousands of people so you can take home a multi-million-dollar paycheck, you get to buy a new yacht.
This has to end.
I don’t pretend my work will end this. I’m a very small cog in a very large system. But I am a cog. And cogs, just like squeaky wheels, require a modicum of attention.
Mary’s fatal ailment stimulates me to squeak.
Let the squeaking begin.
Inexorable trend toward darkness in:
SF Bay Area:
Sunrise: 7:17am
Sunset: 6:32pm

And the trend toward light in:
KZN, South Africa:
Sunrise: 5:21am
Sunset: 6:07pm

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