Monday, February 15, 2021

Short and (somewhat) sweet

News blues…

New infection rates slowly drop in many US states and the new administration’s doubling down on insisting Americans wear masks and practice social distancing is paying off.
But with only 4% of the US population fully vaccinated, experts say Americans must continue safety precautions at full force to prevent highly contagious variants from undoing all the progress. 
Not only does the US have the highest rates of Covid infections and deaths in the world, its experiencing political turmoil and, now, devastating weather with an unprecedented cold front and snow

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

The potential buyer of my mother’s house – the one who’d signed the papers but asked for the weekend to think things over – dropped out. Despite his soon-to-wed son wanting the house, his dad – the money guy – said he “couldn’t see his kids running up and down the many steps.” There are “many steps” – the house is built on a slope and has three levels – and I can see his point. Disappointing, nevertheless. So, back to the “for sale” notice boards.
© Gary Larsen, the Far Side

I continue sorting through items stored in the garage: thousands of assorted nails, screws, hooks, and who-knows-whats, dozens of assorted electrical switches and fitting, scores of tools from hammers, screwdrivers, rasps, drill bits, many light fittings, plus a heavy duty “pillar drill”, a welding kit replete with acetylene and oxygen tanks and 2-wheel pushcart.
Big question: how to sell these items?
A major drawback to selling is my lack of familiarity with how things are done here. I have few contacts, little experience, and I’m a woman in a misogynist society.
I could sell online with Gumtree (SA’s version of Craigslist), but based on my thwarted experience trying to purchase a ceramic kiln I hold little faith in this venue. Buyers enquire from some impractical far-flung regions - Cape Town, or Pretoria, or Oudtshoorn, or Mtubatuba….(One potential buyer of a patio heater enquired from Birmingham, UK.) Or interested local buyers will make an appointment to view items then never show up. (Alas, a common South Africanism.)
I consulted with a friend about hosting an American-style garage sale. Her advice? Hire a couple of security guards to ensure my overall physical safety and protect myself and others from Covid by providing and enforcing the use of hand sanitizers, masks, etc.
Physical safety goes beyond the day-long sales period. It include recognizing potential thieves targeting the house for further “investigation.” This house has CCTV-style cameras and laser beams, but determined house thieves easily bypass safety measures.

Yesterday’s visit with my mother was short. By the time her physical needs were taken care of, she was exhausted and fell to sleep.

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