Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Vaccine on the horizon

(c) Rico
I was tempted to title today’s post, “Is he gone yet?”… and focus – again – on the Trumpster and his ongoing temper tantrums about the Losers who made him a Loser by losing an election.
In the US, this period is called “lame duck,” but as Naysan Rafati, of International Crisis Group, puts it, “This is less a lame-duck period and more of an adrenaline-infused mallard.” 
Indeed, Trump will do a lot of damage to the American cultural psyche and, likely, to domestic and international relations on his way out, but he IS on his way out. 
It's time for him to move on - and for me to change the subject, too. Goodbye, already! 

News blues…

Dr Fauci on Pfizer’s 90 percent effective Covid-19 vaccine: Yes, there are challenges ahead, including convincing the public to continue (start?) to implement ongoing public health aspects to protect oneself (wear masks, socially distance, sanitize) but the vaccine looks very promising….  (3:53 mins) 
At the same time, “Don’t Get Too Excited About the Coronavirus Vaccine. It’s unmitigated good news. But it would be a tragic mistake to relax our vigilance right away.”  
State hospitals in South Africa’s Nelson Mandela Bay ran out of intensive care beds on Monday 9 November as coronavirus infections in the Eastern Cape’s biggest metro edged closer to 5,000. The district manager for the Department of Health in the metro, Dalene de Vos, said there were 4,546 confirmed cases of coronavirus infections in the metro — an increase of 692 over the weekend. 

Healthy futures, anyone?

Could listening to the deep sea help save it? 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

I’m suffering pandemic fatigue. Yesterday was as bad as its been for me over these 230 days. I hit a wall. Constant rainfall – same today – added to my morose state. On such days, it is particularly important that I “change the channel” – focus on something nourishing. Instead of staring at my belly button and feeling hard-done-by, I edited my blog that shares my ceramic sculptures. Take a look…  And, yes, thank you, I do feel better. It’s still raining, but I’m more motivated and more centered. I guess it doesn't take much to get me going...

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