Sunday, April 19, 2020

Monkey Bidness

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Neighborhood monkeys stimulated today’s header and theme.
The American term, “bidness” defines a street hustle, a shady and mostly illegal business venture, and all things opposed to a legitimate business.
Oversight chafes Bidnessman Donald J Trump, always has, always will.
He’s a fella with a murky past - and murkiness is his best pal...
He quickly removed the federally appointed inspector general,
Glen Fine, from monitoring the first US$2 trillion coronavirus “relief” package, put in his own guy, ("suitably experienced") Environmental Protection Agency inspector general, then neutralized him, saying, he, Trump would oversee the effort.
There’s nothing like mounds of apparently free money to stimulate giant clusterf**ks – and the goldrush is on.
This starter list could stimulate you to learn more about the greatest heist in history. Search using any terms you like to uncover more Trump-related corruption … and prepare yourself best you can. It's gonna be a long, hard slog to get out of the mess we're in - a lot will  fall on people least able to withstand the fallout….


A single, bite-sized palette-freshening hors d'Ĺ“uvre to rid the taste of corruption.
Talent will shine in the darkest of times. Thanks, Michael Gene Sullivan

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Neighborhood monkeys aggressively prepare for winter. Late afternoon yesterday, as I mowed the lawn – again – mature monkeys oversaw the tree-swinging antics of young monkeys. I’m not sure where monkeys usually sleep but last night, unusually, monkey grunts and squeals continued until after dark.
This morning, monkey grunts and squeals welcomed the rising sun.
Through the burglar guards surrounding my dwelling, I captured two short vid clips  (forgive the lack of editing).

I’ll keep trying for shots of young monkeys enjoying life. I’d love to share how young’uns aim for a nearby tree, leap into the air, grasp what looks like a mere frond of another tree, and gracefully bounce from tree to tree with the greatest of ease.
Trees as alive with monkeys as a flees infesting a dog’s coat.
Meanwhile, lions and other wild animals relax in South Africa golf club during lockdown.
Enjoy your day.
My day includes The Revenge of the Lawn (Richard Brautigan).

Read Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4

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